Chapter Officers
Alyssa Carreon

Chapter President
Hello everyone! My name is Alyssa Carreon and I have the privilege of serving as Alpha Xi Delta, Theta Sigma’s Chapter President. I am a junior at the University of Central Florida majoring in Nursing and minoring in Health Service Administration. Since running home in 2021, I have been challenged and inspired to grow as a person, leader, friend, and sister. Joining Alpha Xi Delta’s chapter here at UCF has provided me with endless opportunities and pushed me to become the woman I am today. Alpha Xi Delta has given me a home away from home and a community I can always rely on. I am so grateful for the opportunity to serve as Chapter President for the 2023-2024 year. I never would have achieved this goal if it wasn’t for the sisters who surround me and who push me to grow, encourage me, believe in me, and inspire me. Every single day I find new ways and opportunities to realize my potential. I could not be more thankful for this chapter that I get the privilege of calling home, and the friends I get the privilege of calling sisters. I hope that every single individual can find a home away from home in their college years where they feel valued and respected, just as my sisters and I have found with Alpha Xi Delta. For any questions, please feel free to contact me at ! Xi Love and Mine, Alyssa Carreon
Emily Givens

Chapter Life Vice President
Hey everyone my name is Emily and I have the privilege of serving as Alpha Xi Delta’s Chapter Life Vice President! I am currently a junior studying Hospitality Event Management at UCF’s Rosen campus. As the Chapter Life Vice President, I am responsible for organizing chapter events, virtual or in person! I also serve as the head of our risk team to ensure our sisters' safety, while complying with Alpha Xi Delta’s national policies and procedures. Finally, I have the honor of serving as the Chapter President’s right hand, as well as the second-in-command, should she ever need one. Alpha Xi Delta has been a constant source of love and support for all of our sisters. I am overwhelmed with gratitude to have been chosen to plan and oversee the events that keep our chapter close. I’m looking forward to a wonderful year full of so many different events for our sisters.
Jenna Coble

Finance and Operations Vice President
Hi everyone! My name is Jenna and I am so excited to be Theta Sigma’s Finance and Operations Vice President. I am currently a junior studying biology while focusing on going to dental school. As the Finance and Operations Vice President I handle everything money-related for the chapter. This includes creating annual budgets, monthly reports, tax forms, keeping up with member dues, etc. Having this position means so much to me because I am continuously learning the best ways to manage an organization's finances and I can relate everything I’m learning to my end goal of owning my own private dental practice. I knew during recruitment no matter what sorority I ran home to I would want to give 100% to my forever home. I am so glad Alpha Xi Delta has allowed me to not only flourish in the sorority but outside of it as well. I am forever indebted to this chapter, it’s given me everything I’ve ever wanted and this position feels like it was made for me.
Sophia Tanner

Membership Vice President
Hi my name is Sophia Tanner and I am honored to serve as Theta Sigma’s Membership Vice President. I am currently a junior studying Advertising and Public Relations with a minor in Digital Media. As Membership Vice President, I plan and lead our chapter through recruitment. After a fulfilling experience as the Recruitment Events Director within the recruitment team last year, I was confident that the next step for me was to serve on Theta Sigma's Executive Board. Recruitment is such an exciting time for girls as they run home. It is so rewarding to lead our chapter and to see my sisters cherish the sweet memories they make together as they remember what made them choose to run home to Alpha Xi Delta in the first place. I am so excited to continue my efforts in planning for a successful fall recruitment. I can’t wait to welcome home the newest member class as they join this amazing chapter.
Sammie Delgado

Panhellenic Delegate
Hi! My name is Sammie and I’ve been given the honor to serve as Alpha Xi Delta, Theta Sigma’s Panhellenic Delegate for the 2024 school year. I’m currently a junior majoring in communication sciences and disorders, in hopes of becoming a speech-language pathologist. The Panhellenic Delegate role involves growing relationships with chapters beyond my own within the Panhellenic community, including IFC, NPHC, and DGC. As Panhellenic delegate, I attend bi-weekly meetings, engage with fellow Panhellenic members, keep my chapter informed, and maintain open communication between chapters and councils. Serving in this capacity has been an immense honor. I am dedicated to promoting unity and collaboration throughout the Panhellenic community, leaving a positive impact during my time in office. The support and friendship within the Panhellenic community at UCF create a sense of belonging that I am grateful to represent and serve.
Jade LeBleu

Communications Vice President
Hi! My name is Jade LeBleu and I’m honored to serve as Theta Sigma’s Communications Vice President. I am currently a junior at the University of Central Florida majoring in Advertising and Public Relations, with a minor in Marketing. As Communications Vice President, I focus on all of Theta Sigma’s social media platforms, graphic design, parent and alumnae relations, photography, merchandise, and videography for this amazing chapter. I pride myself on my creativity and strive to encourage my sisters to do the same. I aspire to make our chapter a space where my sisters can express themselves authentically and unapologetically. It is an honor to be able to hold an executive position that is reflective of my passions and desired career field. Every day, I continue to realize my potential and I thank Theta Sigma for pushing me to be the very best sister, student, and leader I can be. I am so thankful to work with such a strong and powerful group of women.
Riley Relosky

Philanthropy Vice President
Hello, I am Riley Relosky, and it is with immense joy that I assume the role of Vice President of Philanthropy. Currently a Junior majoring in criminal justice, with a minor in crime, law, and deviance, along with a certificate in victim advocacy, I am dedicated to all things philanthropy-related. In this position, I have come to understand the significance of supporting not only our cause, The Kindly Hearts Initiative, but also the causes of other organizations on campus. I am grateful to be a part of this chapter and take pride in the support directed towards philanthropy. Through this experience, I've realized my potential, and I hope each of you will find the same.